Sunday, August 18, 2013

Punctuated equilibrium

I've never been shy about reusing a blog post title. If the shoe fits, wear it :-) I'm guessing this is the third time I've used this particular title. It describes the bar chart of my stack size over the course of last night's session to a nicety. I moved from $20,000 to over $30,000 in just two hands, stayed hovering around $30,000 for the bulk of the session, then moved up to just over $50,000 on the penultimate hand. Why did the second jump take so long to happen? Since it takes energy to punctuate the equilibrium, you need a certain amount of recovery time after a puncture to build up enough energy for the next one.

During current Hold'em session you were dealt 31 hands and saw flop:
 - 4 out of 4 times while in big blind (100%)
 - 3 out of 4 times while in small blind (75%)
 - 12 out of 23 times in other positions (52%)
 - a total of 19 out of 31 (61%)
 Pots won at showdown - 4 of 6 (66%)
 Pots won without showdown - 3

delta: $29,117
cash game no limit hold'em balance: $4,773,531
balance: $7,130,484

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