Monday, May 2, 2011

Big stack practice

On Saturday night, I quickly doubled my starting stack. I didn't quit at that point, as I likely would have done on a work night. I decided to have some practice being the big stack at the table. I've mentioned before that being in this position makes me a bit anxious and edgy, and I'm trying to learn to combat those feelings.

For the middle third of the session, my stack was north of $100K, but in the last third, it took some big hits. The biggest hit was for $28K, when my pair of queens lost to a pair of aces. That hand actually took my stack below its starting amount of $40K. Luckily for me, it popped right back above it on the very next hand, and I finally called it a night.

During current Hold'em session you were dealt 142 hands and saw flop:
- 23 out of 27 times while in big blind (85%)
- 22 out of 28 times while in small blind (78%)
- 62 out of 87 times in other positions (71%)
- a total of 107 out of 142 (75%)
Pots won at showdown - 10 of 26 (38%)
Pots won without showdown - 12

delta: $11,250
balance: $1,441,486

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