Thursday, May 19, 2011

The call of the cards

Last night, I had my sixth best session ever. That's not too shabby, considering I've had north of 400 sessions. Not only that, my stack hit a new all-time high. I love it when that happens! It's like the cool breath of fresh air you get after a spring thunderstorm. Everything's clean, and everything's possible again.

Another beneficial side effect of last night's session is that I may have stumbled upon the secret of how to maintain one's poker patience indefinitely. All you have to do is multitask! Since play was quite slow at my table, I decided to do some web surfing while I waited around for my turn to act. I found that I maintained my poker composure much better by acting almost like I wasn't even playing poker!

What's up with the title of this post? Glad you asked. It refers to the feeling I sometimes get when I'm dealt marginal hands which have potential. The cards call to me at these times, and their potential seems enormous. Last night, a jack nine offsuit called to me; I ended up hitting a straight on the river and winning a pot worth $12,100.

On the penultimate hand of the night, I hit a flush on the river and won a pot worth $117,900.

During current Hold'em session you were dealt 40 hands and saw flop:
- 4 out of 6 times while in big blind (66%)
- 3 out of 6 times while in small blind (50%)
- 12 out of 28 times in other positions (42%)
- a total of 19 out of 40 (47%)
Pots won at showdown - 3 of 6 (50%)
Pots won without showdown - 6

delta: $104,200
balance: $1,698,143

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