Saturday, January 2, 2010

Righting the ship

All is right with my poker world again, at least for now. I had another double my stake night. I'm getting to the point where I fold rags without compunction. I think my earlier estimate of the percentage of hands on which you should see the flop was quite a bit too high.

I saw some possibly really ugly behavior tonight. The first table I joined may have had some collusion going on. I have a habit of checking where the other players hail from sometime over the course of play. Of course, some people enter fictional places, or real places which aren't actually where they hail from. I discovered that two of the players at the table were purportedly from the same place; I'd seen that a couple of other times in the past and it always makes my "spider sense" tingle. These players could be colluding, telling each other what their hands are, and acting as a net more powerful player; they might not care how they do in the individual, as long as they do well in the aggregate. I left a comment that I'd noticed they were from the same place, and left the table. What makes this behavior ugly to me is that I only play at play money tables; for people to cheat for play money seems nonsensical to me, and in some ways worse than cheating for real money!

My big hand of the night (and session ender) was a pair of aces; that pot was worth $3,935.

delta: $2,415
balance: $266,737

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