Thursday, January 21, 2010

New philosophy

Thanks to yesterday's result, I have a new philosophy -- I'll now consider ending my sessions without doubling my initial stake, if I've played well enough. Of course, playing well enough usually entails coming out on the plus side of the ledger.

I felt I had good instincts tonight, and that I maximized the value of the pots I won by not betting too much. My best hand was a set of queens; that pot was worth $1,140, not too shabby at a $5/$10 table.

It's clearly better to steadily win small amounts than to be on the seesaw I started on about ten sessions ago. If your trend looks like a seesaw, that's not a good long-term strategy. I'm in this for the long haul! I've made various estimates of how long it will take me to earn one play million; my most conservative estimates have me making $100K a year. So I should be able to reach my goal in 7.3 more years, before the turn of the next decade.

I took the step of signing up with the free blog statistics site called Site Meter today, to see if anyone's actually reading this blog. I've only told four people about it so far -- my wife, one of my sisters-in-law, my father, and my oldest friend. The initial stats are deafeningly silent -- zeroes across the board. I hope to change that!

delta: $670
balance: $268,891

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