Friday, January 20, 2012

Lady Luck's fangs

Last night, Lady Luck smiled on me; at least, I thought she was smiling. Actually, she was only moving her lips to get them out of the way of the fangs she was about to sink into my neck! On a hand where I was actually drawing dead after the flop, she gave me false hope on the river; I made a straight, and there were no flush draws on the board. Unfortunately for me, my opponent had flopped a fatty (my nickname for a full house), and had slow-played it masterfully. In other words, he boiled a frog on this hand (the frog being me). My brain was simply incapable of conceiving the possibility of there being a fatty out there, and I called my opponent's all-in reraise of my river raise. Only the fact that I started the hand with more chips than he did prevented me from hitting the felt. As it was, after losing $38,000 on the hand, I was essentially crippled. I soon got into Lazarus territory, and that was all she wrote.

I feel the need to reassure you that this kind of night doesn't get me down. In fact, looked at in the right way, you can see that Lady Luck was actually paying me more attention, cruel though it may have been, than she was paying the other players. She likes me, but she also likes to make me suffer. She still wants to teach me, and I still want to learn!

During current Hold'em session you were dealt 73 hands and saw flop:
- 6 out of 10 times while in big blind (60%)
- 6 out of 12 times while in small blind (50%)
- 28 out of 51 times in other positions (54%)
- a total of 40 out of 73 (54%)
Pots won at showdown - 4 of 7 (57%)
Pots won without showdown - 1

delta: $-40,000
balance: $3,262,504

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