Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The two pair blues

My friends, I suffered a bad case of the two pair blues tonight. It was a very short, and very unsweet, session. I took a big hit early on -- my two pair of tens and threes lost to a two pair of tens and sixes. And yes, it was the kind of two pair I'm addicted to -- I wasn't dealt a pair, but both cards matched a card on the board. I felt so good about it, I was willing to lose around $1,700 (and did). Of course, the winning hand was the same kind of two pair, so it was hidden from me, as mine was also hidden from the rest of the players.

My night ended on another ineffectual two pair. My kings and fours lost to a straight. One bright spot of this early exit is that I'll have a little extra time to read on my Kindle tonight. I'm currently rereading "Moby Dick", which I last read in college roughly thirty years ago.

delta: -$2,000
balance: $261,639

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