Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Nell mezzo del cammin

I've only read bits and pieces of Dante's Inferno, but some lines have remained with me. Some, indeed, because my father has often quoted favorite passages of his, in the original Italian. Here are two lines that I can remember from my own perusal:

E quindi uscimmo a riveder le stelle.

This translates roughly to "And from there we emerged to rebehold the stars."  It's the final line of the Inferno. Come to think of it, the two lines that I remember are the first and last lines :-) Here's the first:

Nell mezzo del cammin di nostra vita

In Allen Mandelbaum's translation: "When I had journeyed half of our life's way". Whenever I'm driving, glance down at the gas gauge, and note that I have half a tank, this line comes to mind. The most recent full tank of gas has journeyed half of its life's way on these occasions. When I first had this thought, I was about 35, so the line applied to both the gas tank and my own life. Now that I'm 54, though, and have journeyed past the halfway point of my life, I can't apply it to myself.

Literally, "nell mezzo del cammin" means "in the middle of the road". In cash game poker, being in the middle of the road isn't such a bad place to be. On Saturday night, I was nell mezzo del cammin in three ways:

1. my seeing the flop percentage was 57
2. my pots won at showdown percentage was 50
3. my underwater percentage was 54

This all added up to a modest, but appreciated, gain.

During current Hold'em session you were dealt 56 hands and saw flop:
 - 10 out of 10 times while in big blind (100%)
 - 7 out of 10 times while in small blind (70%)
 - 15 out of 36 times in other positions (41%)
 - a total of 32 out of 56 (57%)
 Pots won at showdown - 4 of 8 (50%)
 Pots won without showdown - 7

delta: $10,020
cash game no limit hold'em balance: $5,382,177
balance: $7,739,130

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