Wednesday, February 17, 2021

The 10 minute rule

For the longest time, I was undecided on the optimal moment to join an MTT. MTTs almost always have late registration periods, so there's a wide range of times to join. I'm undecided no longer; I think the best time to join an MTT is when there are 10 minutes or less remaining in the late registration period. This gives ample opportunity for others to hit the rail before you put your first chip at risk; their buy ins are now community property :-)

This is an excerpt from my December 24, 2016 post. Last night, I boarded the midnight train just after midnight, when there were 10 minutes left in the late registration period. I made the money for the fifth session in a row. Another benefit to joining tournaments this late, beside the one of increasing my chances of making the money, is that it gives me more time to play online chess :-)

style flavor buy_in  entry players entries paid place winnings

MTT   NLHE   174000  26000       6      90   21    17   391000

delta: $191,000
MTT NLHE balance: $26,993,768
2021 balance: $3,672,000
blue distance: $0
balance: $81,337,453

1 comment:

  1. Hey Neo,
    I, too, am a fan of online chess. I personally love the Evan's Gambit. Are there any pet openings you love? Any chess you will start the chess blog up again?
