Saturday, August 10, 2019

A respite from rebuys

I'm always on the lookout for the perfect poker experience. For me, that means the poker style and flavor combination that best meets as many of the following criteria as possible:

1. it's fun to play
2. it's profitable to play
3a. it rewards skill
3b. it does not reward excessive risk-taking
4. it never gets boring

As of late, MTT NLHE is leading the pack. MTT-R NLHE meets every criterion except for 3b, but that one exception is a pretty big deal. When players can just donk off all their chips every hand, and keep rebuying, that definitely diminishes my poker enjoyment. I've been loving the lovely respite from the rebuy donkeys I've been getting by playing MTT NLHE :-) That's not particularly gracious of me, given the massive sums of play money those donkeys have provided me over the last 2 plus years, but there you have it.

style flavor buy_in entry players hands entries paid place winnings

MTT   NLHE   174000 26000       6    81      85   21    16   369000

delta: $169,000
MTT with rebuys NLHE balance: $50,838,000
2019 balance: $18,641,150
balance: $65,225,410

1 comment:

  1. Hey Neo,
    Yeah so those donkeys are actually a large reason why those rebuy tourneys are so profitable. You're basically saying, "I am going to stop playing these tourneys because the players are too bad at poker." See, that doesn't make sense, now does it? Play with the worst of 'em, as my poker professor would say. Good luck.

