Thursday, April 16, 2020

The incredible shrinking prize pool

PokerStars has upped their entry fees again. I'm not sure when this happened, as I only noticed it when looking at the numbers from last night's session. They do it in a sneaky way, since the new higher entry fee is buried within the old familiar total outlay number. The total outlay for a tournament is the buy in plus the entry fee. PokerStars keeps the total outlay the same, but increases the entry fee; that means the buy in has to decrease by the same amount. The prize pool for a tournament is the buy in times the number of entries. When the buy in decreases, the prize pool decreases. When the prize pool decreases, the payouts also decrease. What this all boils down to is that PokerStars has gotten greedy again; they're stealing money from their players, without a by your leave. That pisses me off.

style flavor buy_in entry players entries paid place winnings

MTT   NLHE    43500  6500       9     345   72    49    60000

delta: $10,000
MTT NLHE balance: $8,814,668
2020 balance: $1,792,343
balance: $63,600,353

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