Thursday, July 11, 2019


Last night, I suffered yaao - yet another aces out. I lost to a player with pocket jacks, who hit a set on the river. Friends and neighbors, that's what's known in the business as a two outer. Some numbers:

- it was the 18th aces out of my MTT-R NLHE career
- I lost the 2nd largest amount of chips of those 18 hands
- it was the 5th time I was beaten by a two outer

Can I just say, ouch?

style flavor buy_in entry players hands entries paid place winnings

MTT-R NLHE    43500  6500       9    37      40    8    30        0

delta: $-100,000
MTT with rebuys NLHE balance: $45,587,000
2019 balance: $12,263,250
balance: $58,847,510

1 comment:

  1. Hey Neo,
    Getting sucked out on sucks. I know a vlogger on Youtube that sucked someone out on TWO boards at the same time. Here's the link:
    Good Luck,
