It's easier to shove post-flop than it is to shove pre-flop, since you have much more information at your disposal. There are very few holdings I feel comfortable shoving with pre-flop. In fact, there are only two - pocket rockets and a big slick. Last night, I doubled up early on in the second tournament I entered when I shoved pre-flop with a big slick. That sent me on my way to making the money :-)
style flavor buy_in entry players entries paid place winnings
MTT NLHE 44000 6000 9 329 81 182 0
MTT NLHE 44000 6000 9 332 81 57 102000
delta: $2,000
2024 balance: $2,725,000
2024 blue distance: $0
balance: $15,534,303
MTT NLHE ITM pct: 41.43 (1204 of 2906)