Tuesday, September 24, 2024

The Once and Future Blog

It's been over two years since my last post. Although I stopped posting, I never stopped playing poker. After mulling things over for quite some time, I've decided to resume posting. 2022, the year within which I stopped posting, was my worst poker year; it's the only year where I lost play money, and I lost a shit ton of it. Here are the numbers:

    $175,580 2009
    $590,909 2010
  $2,430,888 2011
  $3,093,183 2012
    $775,963 2013
  $2,467,065 2014
  $1,078,034 2015
    $667,466 2016
 $34,095,430 2017
  $1,071,000 2018
 $15,273,750 2019
 $15,857,443 2020
 $17,178,500 2021
$-85,059,050 2022
  $3,024,400 2023
  $2,464,000 2024

You can only lose that much money that fast by playing at super high stakes. I eventually pulled the ripcord on playing at super high stakes while I still had a career profit, but it's clear I should have pulled it much sooner than I did. For the last two years, I've played for reasonable stakes - a mix of $50,000 and $100,000 buy-in tournaments.

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