Friday, February 14, 2025

Refining a magic minimum

Two posts ago, I stated that my magic minimum number of hands to play to virtually assure me of making the money is forty. It turns out I was a little bit off. I now believe this magic number is actually 35. Since I started manually recording hand data, I've played in 11 tournaments, making the money in five of them. In all of those five, I played at least 35 hands. In all six of the tournaments where I missed the money, I played at most 27 hands. If the maximum number of hands I've played in tournaments where I missed the money stays below the minimum number of hands I've played in tournaments where I made the money, that minimum number will truly be magic :-)

style flavor    buy_in  entry entries paid place winnings hands

MTT   NLHE       44000   6000     320   81    95        0    27

delta: $-50,000
2025 balance: $-699,000
2025 blue distance: $699,000
balance: $15,598,303
MTT NLHE ITM pct: 41.46 (1299 of 3133)

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