Tuesday, February 11, 2025

A rare breed of hand

I haven't played any poker since last Friday. In the meantime, though, I've written some additional utilities to examine my minimum viable poker hand data in various ways. In the course of doing this, I became reacquainted with a rare breed of hand. It has the following distinguishing characteristics:

- I didn't fold before the flop

- I didn't see the flop

- I won the hand without a showdown

Actually, the third characteristic is guaranteed to be true if the first two are true, but I'm including it for completeness. There's only one scenario which allows all three characteristics to be true:

- I'm in the big blind

- every other player at the table folds before the flop

In the hand data I've collected so far, I've been the beneficiary of this rare breed of hand four times; in every case, it appeared after the money bubble had burst.

style flavor    buy_in  entry players entries paid place winnings

MTT   NLHE       44000   6000       9     309   81    19   149000

delta: $99,000
2025 balance: $-1,128,000
2025 blue distance: $1,128,000
balance: $15,169,303
MTT NLHE ITM pct: 41.44 (1297 of 3130)

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