Monday, July 22, 2019

Freefalling into the money

In speed chess, there's nothing as exhilarating as winning on time when you're getting slaughtered on the board :-) Poker has an analogue of that - freefalling into the money. That's when you can't win a hand to save your life at the end of a tournament, but have just enough chips and luck to eke into the last paying place. That's what happened to me last night. I lost my final 11 hands. I'll take it :-)

style flavor buy_in entry players hands entries paid place winnings

MTT-R NLHE    43500  6500       9    74      51   12    12   297000

delta: $97,000
MTT with rebuys NLHE balance: $48,823,000
2019 balance: $15,446,150
balance: $62,030,410

1 comment:

  1. Hey Neo,
    That's actually just called playing smart poker. Also, winning on time in speed chess when you are super far behind is very unsatisfying to someone who actually cares about getting better at chess.
