Saturday, January 25, 2025

Two memorable hands

Two hands stand out from yesterday's session. I don't remember which came first, and also don't remember which tournament either came from. I simply remember their outcomes, and how they made me feel. I won one hand, and lost the other. In the hand I won, I was short-stacked and went all in with Q9o (queen nine offsuit). Four of us went to showdown, and I won the main pot with a queen high. That meant none of us had been dealt a pair, none of us had paired the board, and none of my opponents had better than a jack high. The odds of that happening are tiny indeed, and I felt extremely lucky. In the hand I lost, I flopped top pair with a good kicker, and was the only one to call a bet made by a player acting before me. The turn put a third diamond on the board and we both checked. The river was a blank, my opponent went all in, and I called. I lost to a diamond flush my opponent had made on the turn. My stack was suddenly on life support, and I felt schooled.

style flavor    buy_in  entry players entries paid place winnings

MTT   NLHE       44000   6000       9     271   72    58    89000
MTT   NLHE       44000   6000       9     349   81   144        0

delta: $-11,000
2025 balance: $-1,091,000
2025 blue distance: $1,091,000
balance: $15,206,303
MTT NLHE ITM pct: 41.48 (1290 of 3110)

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