Sunday, October 13, 2024


One of the worst feelings you can experience at a poker table is having your flush beaten by a better flush, in the case where the board has three cards to a flush and both your hole cards are needed to complete it. The odds that someone else has another such flush, let alone one which beats yours, are small indeed. I call the better flush an uberflush, and say that the loser has been uberflushed :-)

This is an excerpt from my April 3, 2017 post. I was uberflushed on the final hand of the first tournament I entered today. I'd been dealt a jack of hearts and a smaller heart, and the ace of hearts, the queen of hearts, and a smaller heart showed up on the board. I knew I could only be beaten by someone who had been dealt the king of hearts and another heart. I called a river bet which put me all in, and got the bad news at showdown. However, I didn't feel downhearted. There were two excellent reasons for this:

1. it was the correct play to call, and I'd make the same call in that situation 100% of the time

2. I'd already made the money :-)

style flavor buy_in  entry players entries paid place winnings

MTT   NLHE    44000   6000       9     334   81    58   102000
MTT   NLHE    44000   6000       9     255   72    39   106000

delta: $108,000
2024 balance: $3,262,000
2024 blue distance: $0
balance: $16,071,303
MTT NLHE ITM pct: 41.56 (1219 of 2933)

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