Wednesday, November 25, 2009

hello world

I've finally decided to join the 21st century and start writing a blog. Heaven help me! (and of course, heaven help you, who are reading this, whoever you might be). I've been bitten by the poker bug, specifically, the Texas Hold'em bug, so that's what this blog will be about. No need to read any further if poker is not your thing.

The name of this blog is both a boast and a promise I hope to keep. I play on under the screen name neostreet, and as of the time of this writing I have not yet earned a million play dollars. My current worth in play dollars is $245,304. But who'd be tempted to read a blog called "My first play quarter million"? For that matter, who'll be tempted to read this blog even with its current boastful and inaccurate title? Only time will tell.

In order to try to engage with my potential audience, I'll end this post with a trivia question: in a classic poker movie, the main character at one point says, "You're just not ready for me yet". What's the name of the movie, and the name of the actor who plays the main character?

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