I've played poker for so many years I could probably play it in my sleep :-) It's often difficult to remember what happened the night before when I sit down to write a new post. One reason for this is that when I'm in the zone, I play on autopilot, making correct poker decisions without any conscious thought. I'm relying on pattern recognition, which can largely replace thinking. The totality of all the poker decisions I've made in the past frees me from having to make conscious decisions in the present. In effect, I've earned the privilege of not thinking :-)
style flavor buy_in entry players entries paid place winnings
MTT NLHE 174000 26000 6 75 21 35 0
delta: $-200,000
MTT NLHE balance: $23,437,668
2020 balance: $16,215,343
blue distance: $600,000
balance: $78,023,353